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Meet the X -Waves Team and Learn About our Design Process 

Design Process 

Hi my name is Scott Andrews, 

 I am the founder and president of X-Waves™. After finding out that a family member had been diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, which resulted in periodically experiencing double vision, I was shocked to find out how few options there were for relief besides traditional eye-patches. I also knew that my wife and co-founder Leslie also wears an eye patch to deal with light sensitivity due to a damaged optic nerve.

    With a background in laser optics, 3d engineering, designing and manufacturing I knew I could design a product that would be more functional and appealing then an eye patch.

    Having more than 20 years of experience with lasers and optics, I knew that by incorporating cross polarization into eye-wear I could create a more approachable eye day solution for my relative, Wife and hopefully others. 

   I created an all metal prototype with only 2 lenses and no eye caps, this would be version 1.0 and feedback was extremely positive. I knew that I needed to keep developing the product and find a way to make them accessible to a greater number of people. This is when I started to experiment with different methods of production including 3d printing. See versions 2.0 and 3.0.

   X-Waves are now on their 3rd rendition and are at a stage where I am excited to start expanding the team and getting X-Waves into the hands of as many people as possible. X-Waves are currently patent pending and are awaiting both clinical trials and receiving feedback from licensed eye care professionals, patents and other interested parties.

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D. Scott Andrews

Founder/ President

Associates in Applied Science in Laser Electro Optics from

Texas State Technical Collage.


23 years of experience in the phonics industry, including 17 years at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, working in the National Ignition Facility and Jupiter Laser Facility. His roles have included designing and building optical instruments, operating them alongside physicists and PHD candidates.


Leslie Lukesh

Co-Founder/ Consultant


Bachelor’s degree in History from UC Berkeley and an MBA

from St. Mary’s College.


 28 years in finance and management experience, she has worked at all levels from Operations, manager, implementation, strategy, change management, quality assurance and currently as a Program Manager and Senior Vice President for Wells Fargo-Strategic Business Solutions and the co-president of the Northern California chapter of the Wells Fargo Women’s Team Member network.

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Destiny Andrews:

Media/ Marketing 

Bachelor's degree in History from UC Santa Cruz 


Destiny has been working for the last few years in the design industry. She also has experience in sales, marketing and social media management. 


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